Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Windy, windy day

Meadow Lark

Brown Heron

Well the sun is out which makes the temperature very deceiving since it is sooooo cool and windy, Rod has his outside kitchen tent tied to the Jeep so here's hoping it doesn't blow away. I still suggested a nice 2 hour walk which exhausted Rod (he's napping now). I took some pics of the wildlife that we saw...including Rod. No alligator or Scrub Lizards today, they have found a nice warm spot out of the wind. I spotted a Red-shouldered hawk which was relaxing on a post, the bird on the post in the distance is an Osprey, he just helped himself to one of our fish in our pond behind us. The Scrub Lizard picture was taken a couple of days ago, they scoot when it it hot out but slow down when it's cool.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures...
    Hey... I like that kitchen tent. Have never heard of those... let's see inside...
    My sister just took a full time job in Largo, Fl.
